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Forex Trading USA

Forex Trading USA

As a forex broker, Forex Trading USA is committed to the education and training of our customers. That is why we have established a free forex training program for our clients. New traders with our firm can have the assurance and confidence that our experienced staff will provide the training they need to participate in the foreign exchange market. For more information about our training program, click here. Our trading team has also developed practical trading e-books that clients can receive by opening accounts with $250 or more.

The Forex Trading USA team is made up of professionals with extensive experience in the fields of trading and investing. Traders will not only have at their disposal experts in online trading and training, but also in areas such as managed forex accounts, proprietary trading, and helping introducing brokers set up their forex business. Click on the links below for more information on these areas.

Forex Managed Accounts - An alternative for investors or traders that want to participate in the forex market, but don't have the time to do it. Managed forex accounts may be appropriate for aggressive portfolios or to diversify away from stocks, real estate or any other uncorrelated investment.

Proprietary Trading - For those that want to manage money in forex for other individuals and institutions, we can be of great assistance. We can help you get started trading for a hedge fund via our extensive contacts and relationships in the industry. We can also help you become a private forex money manager and help you raise trading capital from other people and companies.

Introducing Brokers - Firms or individuals that want to offer forex trading services to their clients can take advantage of our introducing broker service. As an introducing broker, a firm or individual can be compensated for introducing their clients to our services and their clients can have access to the same prices as the regular clients of Forex Trading USA. This is a great way for your clients to have access to top-of-the-line trading and managed account services and for you to participate in the biggest and fastest growing financial market in the world while you build your own brand.

You can start by registering for a free 30-day test drive of our online trading platform. Click below to go to our registration page.

Forex trading demo.

GAIN / Forex.com acts as the clearing agent and counterparty to Forex Trading USA's margined forex transactions. GAIN / Forex.com is a registered Futures Commission Merchant (FCM), regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), and a member of the National Futures Association (NFA).